1,849 research outputs found


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    We explore the integration of projected imagery with a physical book that acts as a tangible interface to multimedia data. Using a camera and projector pair, a tracking framework is presented wherein the 3D position of planar pages are monitored as they are turned back and forth by a user, and data is correctly warped and projected onto each page at interactive rates to provide the user with an intuitive mixed-reality experience. The book pages are blank, so traditional camera-based approaches to tracking physical features on the display surface do not apply. Instead, in each frame, feature points are independently extracted from the camera and projector images, and matched to recover the geometry of the pages in motion. The book can be loaded with multimedia content, including images and videos. In addition, volumetric datasets can be explored by removing a page from the book and using it as a tool to navigate through a virtual 3D volume


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    The toxicity of heavy metals is reviewed with reference to Cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria also known as blue green algae are primitive photosynthetic prokaryotic microorganism which has high economic importance due to various bioactive compounds. Cyanobacteria are exposed to heavy metal stress since these are widely distributed. Heavy metal enters into the cell through various interactions between metal ions and functional groups present at the cell surface and cause toxicity. Heavy metals also cause oxidative stress by generation of reactive oxygen species, including superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical which are highly reactive and toxic and cause damage to nucleic acid, protein, and lipid. Cyanobacteria have evolved strategies to overcome the effect of reactive oxygen species that include antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase and Glutathione reductase

    Role of Emotions in Seeking and Sharing of Information in Library of Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India

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    Emotions play a significant role in the workplace and staff/authorities’ emotions. Emotional factors are equally important because they affect the general tone of discussion and influence the ways in which participants seek and share information. The main aim of the present study is to elaborate the picture of the role of emotional expressions in information seeking and sharing. The main emphasis will be placed on ways in which positive and negative emotions are expressed in the context of information seeking and sharing.The data of users of Central University Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University was collected and analysed keeping in view the role of emotions in information seeking. The paper deals with role of emotions in seeking and sharing of information in library of Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University of Lucknow, which is Central University. The students and faculty members of the university are surveyed with the help of questionnaire. The various resources sued, problems faced in seeking information. And management of emotion in respect to information seeking is done in detailed way. The emotions are effected by information seeking is also analysed in the paper. The feelings of users like when they receive information, or when they receive information beyond their expectation, when they don’t receive the information is also analysed and discussed. The management of anger and anxiety is also highlighted in the paper

    Epidemiology and seropositivity of dengue fever cases in a tertiary care hospital of NCR in 2013

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    Background: Dengue has been known to be endemic in India for over two centuries. Dengue fever is more commonly seen in adultsand older children. Clinical presentation varies from mild to severe fatal forms; therefore, laboratory diagnosis is very essential.Objective: The surveillance study was conducted to analyze dengue seropositivity and epidemiological profile among patients withdengue fever like illness who presented to the outpatient department or was admitted to a tertiary care private hospital in Ghaziabad,Uttar Pradesh from January 2013 to December 2013. Materials and Methods: Serum samples from 1186 clinically suspecteddengue fever cases (671 males and 515 females) were received in serology laboratory over the period of 1 year. The samples werescreened for non-structural protein 1 (NS1) antigen and IgM and IgG dengue specific antibodies by rapid immunochromatographictest. Results: Out of total 1186 blood samples tested, 574 were found to be positive for dengue infection. Of 574 blood samples, NS1Ag was positive in 498 (86.7%) cases while IgM with or without NS1 Ag was positive in 15 (2.6%) cases. Conclusion: A detailedand continuous epidemiological surveillance is required for monitoring the incursions and spread of dengue viruses. This will helpin undertaking and implementing effective control and management strategies

    Recent Advances in the Application of Non Thermal Methods for the Prevention of Salmonella in Foods

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    Food-borne illness as a result of consumption of foods contaminated with pathogenic bacteria is a world-wide concern. The presence and subsequent growth of micro-organisms in food in addition to improper storage not only results in spoilage but also in a reduction of food quality. The microbiological safety in ready to eat products is a cause of big concern not only for the consumers and food industries but also for the regulatory agencies. The number of documented outbreaks of foodborne diseases has increased in the last decade with Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli being responsible for the largest number of outbreaks and deaths. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) reported Salmonella to be the most common cause of food-borne outbreaks in the EU (EFSA, 2009). As high as 50,000 and 35,000 people were reported to be suffering from salmonellosis in the Netherlands during 1999-2000 and 2002, respectively (Bouwknegt et al., 2003). The symptoms include diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain and fever. Salmonella enterica Typhimurium and Salmonella enterica Enteritidis are the most frequently isolated serovars in the EU which are responsible for diarrhoea and fever (EFSA-ECDC, 2007). Some strains of Salmonella such as S. Senftenberg are more heat resistant than other strains. Even in the United States, Salmonella is considered to be one of the most prevalent bacteria amongst the foodborne pathogens, causing an estimated 1.6 million foodborne illnesses with annual cost of ~$14 billion. Salmonella Typhimurium has been implicated in the US as the major causative agent for food borne salmonellosis

    Recent Advances in the Application of Non Thermal Methods for the Prevention of Salmonella in Foods

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    Food-borne illness as a result of consumption of foods contaminated with pathogenic bacteria is a world-wide concern. The presence and subsequent growth of micro-organisms in food in addition to improper storage not only results in spoilage but also in a reduction of food quality. The microbiological safety in ready to eat products is a cause of big concern not only for the consumers and food industries but also for the regulatory agencies. The number of documented outbreaks of foodborne diseases has increased in the last decade with Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli being responsible for the largest number of outbreaks and deaths. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) reported Salmonella to be the most common cause of food-borne outbreaks in the EU (EFSA, 2009). As high as 50,000 and 35,000 people were reported to be suffering from salmonellosis in the Netherlands during 1999-2000 and 2002, respectively (Bouwknegt et al., 2003). The symptoms include diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain and fever. Salmonella enterica Typhimurium and Salmonella enterica Enteritidis are the most frequently isolated serovars in the EU which are responsible for diarrhoea and fever (EFSA-ECDC, 2007). Some strains of Salmonella such as S. Senftenberg are more heat resistant than other strains. Even in the United States, Salmonella is considered to be one of the most prevalent bacteria amongst the foodborne pathogens, causing an estimated 1.6 million foodborne illnesses with annual cost of ~$14 billion. Salmonella Typhimurium has been implicated in the US as the major causative agent for food borne salmonellosis

    Terrorism and Role of Media

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    Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, violent or destructive acts committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands. All the developed, developing nations have confronted the horrors of Terrorism. It is one of him devastating threats for the whole world. Due to the advent of Terrorism in humane life, we have been confined to in destruction. To live the life of a common man becomes unendurable. Further the role of media and science is very much evident in Terrorism. Terror means disastrous fear. It becomes highly destructive and leading us towards the Holocaust. This paper proposes to examine the role of media in Terrorism. Really, it is the need of the hour that we should have to awaken our society. Technology has enabled Terrorism and Terrorism to create havoc in the world. But at the same time there are so many solutions which can be found & implemented by the technologies. Therefore, here in such circumstances, we have to take an oath to fight against Terrorism and establish ourselves well equipped and enforced. It will also not come to happen without the optimum utilization of technology. The paper illustrates definition, types, history of Terrorism and history of Terrorists group too in brief. It also gives an outline of Terrorism by ideology, involvement of state etc. A successful attempt has also been made to rule out the basic cause of terrorism and role of media in terrorism. As Terrorism appears to be one of the burning issues in present state of world However, this paper is going evaluate the role of media in the Terrorism


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    Control over spontaneous emission is important for many applications in photonics, including efficient light-emitting diodes, photovoltaics, single-photon sources and low-threshold nanolasers. Photonic crystals can modify the spontaneous emission by creating cavities with extremely small mode-volumes, and are an ideal platform for integrated devices because of their scalable planar architecture. For developing photonic devices at room temperature using such cavities, colloidally synthesized quantum dots are excellent emitters because they exhibit high photoluminescence efficiency and emission wavelength tunability. In this thesis, I present experimental and theoretical work on enhancing light-matter interaction at room temperature, using colloidal quantum dots and nanobeam photonic crystal cavities. Using time-resolved optical spectroscopy, we observed enhanced spontaneous emission rate of the quantum dots coupled to the cavity mode. We also demonstrated saturable absorption of the quantum dots coupled to the cavity mode by pump-intensity dependent cavity-linewidth, which is a nonlinear phenomenon with potential applications in optical switching at room temperature. Using the quantum optics framework, we developed a theoretical model to show that cavity-enhanced spontaneous emission can be used to overcome Auger recombination (an ultrafast nonradiative process that quenches optical gain) in colloidal quantum dots to develop low-threshold nanolasers. In the end, I will also discuss our current efforts towards deterministic deposition of quantum dots on photonic crystal cavities using atomic force microscopy for effective fabrication of quantum dot devices

    Negotiation of Un/Belongingness between the "(Imagined) Homelands" from a Transnational, South Asian, Brown Woman's Perspective : a Case Study of Taslima Nasreen's French Lover

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    "Border" beyond its geographical logic becomes a topic of discussion in the transnational studies from the late twentieth century which challenges the established notion of the nation-state. The rhetoric of border as Anzaldúa (1987) calls "borderlands" and "Nueva Conciencia Mestiza" allow transnational feminists to enter into the new discourse to re-think the terms such as nation, homeland and border in a transnational writing. Fundamentally using the transnational and feminist approach, the paper will look into the negotiation of un/belongingness of a South Asian, transnational brown woman between the "imagined homelands" through a fictional novel French Lover (2002) written by Taslima Nasreen. In this piece of study, the term "imagined homeland" is an experiment but at the same time, it explains the meaning of the space which this term tries to explain. These "imagined homelands" are not merely spatial homelands which could be a land of origin or land of residence. These homelands are metaphorically constructed on the ideology of the collective groups in a "borderless" and "post-national" world. The paper will critically examine the construction of different "imagined homelands" calling them, global feminist group and brown community in this case study, and the negotiation of a south Asian transnational brown woman between these "imagined homelands."El concepto de "frontera", más allá de su sentido geográfico, se ha convertido en un tema de debate en los estudios transnacionales a partir de finales del siglo veinte. Este debate en curso desafía la noción establecida del estado-nación. Gloria Anzaldúa, feminista chicana, se refiere a la retórica de frontera como "Borderline", "Borderlands" y "Nueva Conciencia Mestiza" en su libro Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza (1987), en el que diferencia entre su sentido geográfico y su sentido metafórico. La carga simbólica de este libro permite a las feministas transnacionales entrar en un nuevo discurso con el objetivo de revisar términos como nación, patria y frontera desde una perspectiva transnacional y feminista. El presente artículo se centra en la negociación de la pertenencia y no pertenencia de una mujer de color, surasiática y transnacional en las "patrias imaginadas" a través de las teorías transnacional y feminista. El artículo se basa en el estudio de caso de la novela French Lover (2002), escrita por Taslima Nasreen. En este artículo se experimenta con el término "patria imaginada", pero a la vez se usa para explicar el significado del espacio al que se refiere. Estas "patrias imaginadas" no son simplemente las patrias físicas como la de origen o de residencia, sino aquellas construidas por la ideología del colectivo en un mundo "sin fronteras", "posnacional". En el artículo también se analiza críticamente la construcción de diferentes "patrias imaginadas", como el "feminismo global" o la "comunidad de color"
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